Available Originals

This list displays my original watercolors that are available for purchase. Click a letter to jump to a list of titles starting with that letter. Click on the title or image to see more information, or click on an available product to see purchase options.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

I woke up early one morning when I was showing my work in Round Top and was inspired by a large Lice Oak Tree in the mist with early sunlight across it's branches and I painted this from memory at my show over a weeks time!

Available for purchase:

This title is the result of my annual contest to name one of my Paintings. After photographing the Bay side of South Padre Island in late afternoon, I decided at the last moment to check out the Surf side of the Island and this is the result.

Available for purchase:

(To be included in my 2020 Texas Sunrise Calendar) I don't have to go very far to find nice patches of Cactus since we have more than our share right here on the Ranch!

Available for purchase:

This painting was inspired in the mornings when I feed my Cows! Deer and Wild Turkey come up to the Truck to share with the Cows.

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I was walking my dogs early one morning after a recent rain and noticed the sunrise reflecting in the water on the road and my imagination took hold and this painting is the result.

Available for purchase:

This painting reflects my daily schedule of chores at the Ranch. I'm up early and our cows are outside the yard waiting to get some Range Cubes. Cattle love Range Cubes and they will follow anywhere to get their share.

Available for purchase:

I’ve wanted to paint an Old Style Feed Store for some time. There are new ones that the owners have tried to give that retro look but this Old Feed Mill, Store is the real thing and it is located in Rio Vista, Texas, and going strong since 1946!. I have passed thru Rio Vista countless times and never saw this until I noticed a Church Steeple that looked old and went to check it out and there a little out of view from the main road was this gem of a Feed Mill and Store! I changed very little other than adding the old truck and a few signs to an area by the door that has shelves filled with small products.

Available for purchase:

This station was built in 1909 and is still operating! Today it is Fire Station no. 11 at 3828 Cedar Springs Road in Dallas, Texas

Available for purchase:

The Old Dallas County Courthouse is on Main Street (Historic Bankhead Highway) in Downtown Dallas and was built in 1892. It is now the Old Red Museum as a New Courthouse was built to replace it. It is of the Romanesque Architectural style and was designed by Max A. Orlopp Jr.

Available for purchase:

This Great Oak Tree is on FM 1624, north of Giddings, and marks the site of Evergreen, an early pioneer community on the El Camino Real, now State Highway 21. By 1836, Doctor J. M. Stockton built an Inn beside this historic oak. One of Dr. Stockton's more notable guests was General Sam Houston.

Available for purchase:

This town exists in the memory of anyone who's spent time in a small town. I painted this from the memory of my teenage years after I had a car and the freedom to go out and explore the world within a couple hours driving range of Austin. The buildings are from Lockhart, Gonzales and Georgetown and I named the businesses after places I worked in those days or after members of my family.

Available for purchase:

I painted this from memory at Fredericksburg Trade Days! I have Painted several similar small Paintings of a Cardinal on Bare Branches and decided it was time for a larger one.

Available for purchase:

This Magnificent Post Oak is in Clarksville, Texas and is located at the northwest corner of the Old Clarksville Cemetery. This Tree was first used as a Hanging Tree in 1837 when a man named Page and three others were hanged for the Murder of Captain Charles Burham and Levi Davis. This tree was used as the Hanging Tree for many years until more civilized methods were employed.

Available for purchase:

This title is the result of my annual contest to name one of my Paintings. Sycamore trees line the Highway south of our Ranch and I added the Cardinals flying by for a splash of color."according to the Dictionary, the definition of "Passing Fancy" is "Something that captures one's interest or enthusiasm for only a brief period of time"

Available for purchase:

This title is the result of my annual contest to name one of my prints. This scene is of Neils Creek at the back of our ranch and is a special place for Martha and I to escape to. This creek in a way led us to our move to the country because I had done a painting of a place a few miles down the creek a few years before we found our ranch.

Available for purchase:

The Theater is in Garland, Tx and is on the Historic Bankhead Highway (first paved road across America!) which will be the theme of my 2015 Calendar. Texas has more miles of the Bankhead Highway than any other state and much of it is still there! Lots of excitement online about the Bankhead Highway, check it out online

Available for purchase:

(To be included in my 2020 Texas Sunrise Calendar)I painted this in public, from memory at Fredericksburg Trade Days

Available for purchase:

Prause Meat Market has been in the same family for 112 years and located at 253 Travis Street on the Courthouse Square in LaGrange, Texas. I'm told that they do everything from scratch including raising their own beef cattle!

Available for purchase:

THIS TITLE IS THE RESULT OF MY ANNUAL CONTEST TO NAME ONE OF MY PAINTINGS. "Quiet Time" appealed to me because this spot is where I stop on my morning walks on the Ranch and sit quietly and observe the wildlife that frequents this Stock Tank! Thanks to Thomas McCain of Scurry, Texas for the winning Title!

Available for purchase:

These two Havard Agaves were blooming this spring right by the front door to our showroom here at the ranch and were very popular with Hummingbirds and Bees!. Havard Agaves are native to the Davis Mountains of West Texas so I placed them in a more natural setting. The Mountains in the background are the Franklin Mountains at El Paso.

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